Benefits of Turmeric 

Turmeric is everywhere these days, right? It has seemed like the biggest trend the last couple years. Golden Milk lattes, Supplements, Powders for your smoothie and the list goes on. But really its been around since the dawn of time. It is a spice and yes it has many benefits. Today we will talk briefly about the supplement and then other ways to incorporate it into you daily nutrition. Which is what I prefer, to cook with it.

When choosing a Turmeric supplement it is suggested to pair black pepper (Piper nigrum) to boost the absorption because the curcumin on the turmeric can be hard for the body to absorb therefore pairing it with the black pepper boost the bioavailbilty of the turmeric-derived compound by 2000%

I cook with with turmeric often. I make it with soups mostly as well as a spice base for my quinoa. First I add oil to my pan, then add turmeric, black pepper, cayenne pepper, coriander and salt. Next If I am making a soup I will add water or broth. If it is quinoa I will add the quinoa to brown it with the spices before adding water. This really sets the flavor in the dish I am making.

If I don’t cook with it that day I add it to my more hot lemon water. I put a dash of black pepper, turmeric, cayenne pepper and a slice of lemon. My system loves it when I start the day this way, wink wink if you know what I mean.

Last I have also been known to just dump a heap of turmeric with a dash of pepper into my morning smoothie. Ether way I have a few ways to get it into my system daily. You ask why it is so important to add turmeric to your daily diet? Below are just a few benefits I would like to share with you today.

Benefits of Turmeric

-Fights Body-Wide Inflammation (this is when you body is literally on fire and inflamed)

-Supports Joint & Muscle Health (have tight joints and muscles, see if you see a difference after adding turmeric to your nutrition)

-Boost Detoxification (this is what I was talking about with my daily dose in my warm lemon water, it keeps things moving along)

-Promotes those good mood feelings (who doesn’t like that)?

-Supports Natural Weight Release (this is really because it is keeping things moving through your system, your system is moving it is happy, not stressed and therefore your body natural releases unwanted weight)

-Promotes Healthy Skin (Proof is not in the pudding but the spice)

-Boost Cognitive Function (Gut Brain connection, happy gut, happy brain)

How cool is it that something so easy as adding a little turmeric to your weekly nutrition can have so many benefits. What will you try first, the morning lemon water with turmeric, try making a new soup or adding it to your morning smoothie?

Disclaimer: This is not meant as medical advice, always talk to your doctor before trying a new food. I do not treat, heal or diagnose human beings.


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